How to play Sakong online   - The Sakong card game is a game that is played by adding up the values ​​of 3 cards which will be pitted against the dealer's cards. Sakong can be played by a maximum of 8 players and at least one player is the dealer. Cards with numbers (2–9) will receive a value according to the number listed. The card count for the Sakong game is Jack, Queen and King have a value of 10, while Ace has a value of 11 or 1.

The development of the Sakong game has been around since ancient times and has changed over time, in ancient times the Sakong game was played using pebbles and then developed using tarot cards totaling (78 pieces) and as time went by it finally evolved again using the playing cards that we use today.

According to lottery 212, the game of sakong is a game that originated from the ancient Chinese kingdom, so the word sakong comes from Mandarin, if interpreted, SA means three and KONG means king, so the game of sakong itself means a game of three kings.

In general, the Sakong game is usually played by 8 people at one table, but 1 of them will act as a dealer. In this game, usually the person who can be the dealer is the person who has enough credit limit to be the dealer. In the Sakong game, the largest card value is 10 and the smallest card value is 1 and for Jack, Queen and King cards the value will be 10 and for Ace cards the value will be 1.How do you determine the winner in playing Sakong? After all the card distributions are complete, the player's card points are pitted against the dealer's points. If the player's and dealer's points are the same then the dealer will win. Want to play Sakong? Hurry up and join us at togel212.

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